photoVal = "";Canada AM: Dr. Wayne Carman, former presidentThe former president of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says men are becoming increasingly aware of the availability of plastic surgery, and choosing to go under the knife to appear younger and more vibrant in the workplace. VideoPlaying[1] = new Video( { ClipId:436227, Title:"CTVNews : Canada AM: Dr. Wayne Carman, former president", Format:'FLV'} ); function startVideo() { changeVideo('','470_male_plastic_surgery_facelift_110321','00:00:00.00','00:00:00.00','436227','1');}if (sourcePlayer == "story"){//document.getElementById("videoPopup").setAttribute('href','¤t_clip_id=' + '436227' + '&clip_start=' + '00:00:00.00' + '&clip_end=' + '00:00:00.00'+ '&video_link_high=' + '' + '&video_link_low=' + '470_male_plastic_surgery_facelift_110321' + '&sourceV=' + sourcePlayer + storyInfo);}else{//document.getElementById("videoPopup").setAttribute('href','¤t_clip_id=' + '436227' + '&clip_start=' + '00:00:00.00' + '&clip_end=' + '00:00:00.00' + '&video_link_high=' + '' + '&video_link_low=' + '470_male_plastic_surgery_facelift_110321' + '&sourceV=' + cT + "&chub=BritishColumbiaVideo&csection=Top&clip_caption=Canada AM: Dr. Wayne Carman, former president");}Playlist.FeaturedVideos = new Array();for (i = 1; i -1 ) //should probably use a regular expression { document.location = pUrl; //might want to use a new window? }else{openW =,'bctvVideo','width=1010,height=850,status=no,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,toolbar=0');if (openW){FlashController.GetInstance().Wait();}}}By: News StaffDate: Monday Mar. 21, 2011 6:53 AM PT
Call it the changing face of cosmetic surgery. New statistics released Monday by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that increasingly, men are lining up at doctor's offices, looking for a little nip and tuck.
Cosmetic procedures involving men rose two per cent overall in 2010 compared with the year before, the ASPS reports.
Last year, more than 1.1 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men. While that's nowhere near the 12 million or so procedures undergone by women, it appears to be a sign that more men are embracing cosmetic surgery, says Dr. Wayne Carman, the former president of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
"I think that men are becoming increasingly aware of the availability of plastic surgery," Carman told CTV's Canada AM Monday morning.
"And I think it's partly driven by the demographic. The baby boom tends to be the driving force behind most trends in our world."
Born between 1946 and 1964, baby boomers now range in age from 47 to 65 -- a prime time for plastic surgery for men. Carman says as boomers age, many are noticing the effects of time on their face and body and wanting to make a few changes.
"It's not so much a matter of their age on the calendar; it's how old they appear," he said.
While women who undergo plastic surgery tend to say they did it for their own self-esteem, many of the men who choose plastic surgery report they are doing it for career reasons, to appear younger and to remain competitive in the workplace.
"The potential for advancement and for remaining in an authority position can be undermined if you look kind of weak and old and tired. So that's where our work comes in to help them with that," he said.
Carman reports that while full facelifts are definitely growing in popularity, many men prefer smaller, subtler procedures.
"Men will typically ask for things that can be concealed and that won't have a lengthy recovery," he says.
So eyelid surgery is a very common request, he says, because it offers a fairly quick recovery.
The ASPS reports that nose reshaping surgery topped the list of most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed on men in 2010, followed by eyelid surgery and liposuction.
There was a 14 per cent jump in the number of facelifts performed on men last year compared to the year previous, four per cent more eyelid surgeries and a seven per cent hike in liposuction.
As well,?there was an 11 per cent rise in ear-shaping surgery, a 10 per cent increase in the number seeking soft-tissue fillers, as well as a nine per cent increase in Botox injections. Dermabrasion to smooth out the skin was up four per cent.

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