Saturday, April 23, 2011

Woman's 52 Cosmetic Procedures

Cindy Jackson is beautiful, but she wasn't born with her show-stopping looks. She bought them.

Jackson, a Londoner who hails from the American Midwest, has had $100,000 in cosmetic procedures, including 14 full-scale operations as well as cuts, pulls, peels and jabs.

She's had Botox, five face-lifts and liposuction, and her eyes have been done – twice.

In total, Jackson has had 52 cosmetic procedures, a world record for the most procedures ever undergone by one person.

"I didn't set out to break, to set a world record, it was never my ambition, it's just that I had so much done," she said.

Asked why she had, she gave a simple reply: "For me, it was just to look better."

"For me, the best result is one that looks natural," Jackson added. "I wouldn't ever want anyone to stop and stare at me and say 'that woman's had a lot of surgery.' I would never want to look like I'd had anything done."

Jackson, 55, grew up in small town Ohio, with a short-tempered father and low self-esteem.

She recalled a comment someone made to her when she was young: "One guy said when I was 14, 'You know Cindy, when you smile, from the side your nose and chin almost meet.'"

"It was like being in the wrong body and wrong face and I felt that very much and wanted to change it," she said.

When her father died, he left her some money, and she used it to start her transformation.

She says she's been careful to take it slow, but also said she just wants to look beautiful and young.

"I feel like a young spirit and I don't want to look in the mirror and see and old face. I feel this is me," she said. "This is the way I should look."

View the original article here

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