Multiple Online Directories help local Cosmetic Surgeons get more clients over the Web.
Salt Lake City, UT (Vocus/PRWEB) April 17, 2011DeclareMedia is ready to help over 100 local businesses by listing them on their new online internet directory. Cosmetic Surgeons can get a free listing but for just $20 per month they can get a featured placement listing right on the homepage. That way, they can get even more traffic to their website.
Today, businesses are trying to figure out a way to maximize marketing dollars and get ahead of their competition using the internet. DeclareMedia makes it easy for local cosmetic surgeons with their multiple directories so they can get more clients. Anyone that searches on Yahoo or Google for Chicago Cosmetic Surgeons, they’ve got a directory for that. If someone wants to find a Seattle Cosmetic Surgeon, DeclareMedia’s got a directory for that as well. They have hundreds of directories available to start helping cosmetic surgeons get the clients they need over the web.
Nowadays people are looking to feel better about their appearance and need to find a cosmetic surgeon that they can trust. Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Whether for minor or major surgery, individuals of all ages who desire or need cosmetic surgery will find the best surgeon to help them feel healthier and have a positive lifestyle.
DeclareMedia has a way to get good rankings for directories on search engines, which ends up helping customers with their SEO efforts. Listing cosmetic surgeons companies are easy, and works well when it comes to search engine optimization. A featured placement listing for only $20 per month can help cosmetic surgeons get more traffic and lead flow due to the prominent placement on the homepage of the directory. It only takes 2 minutes to create a free listing. If businesses want a featured placement listing, that just takes a minute longer.
DeclareMedia plans to get more cosmetic surgeon directories in the next few weeks.
About DeclareMedia:
With the ability to manage around 3,000 online directories covering hundreds of business categories, DeclareMedia has made a new way for both businesses and customers to get what each of them need. It’s even more convenient for businesses to list their website for a low cost or for free. Clients also have an easier way to find websites. Local web directories rank well in search engines and help businesses take advantage of the web to reach customers in their area. DeclareMedia is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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