Friday, April 22, 2011

More men getting cosmetic surgery

"People say I either look less tired, or maybe 5 to 7 years younger. Or they ask if I just got back from a vacation," says 46-year-old Earl. "I think it's like men going to beauty salons. No one cares," he adds.

Earl's not embarrassed to say he's had work done on his face.

"To fix impurities. Fix flaws. Could be acne scars. Could be sun damage. All of it. Just living in Florida, growing up in Florida," says Earl, who recently had Co2 Laser Surgery done.

It's like a mini face lift.

"A very advanced dermabrasion without the risk of infection like you used to have. Without all the down time you had. It's now like 5 days max and you're back in public," says Earl, who's one of the increasing number of men getting cosmetic procedures, both minimally-invasive and surgical.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons says face lifts rose 14 percent year to year. Male liposuction is up 7 percent. Breast Reduction increased by 6 percent. Eyelid surgery isup 4 percent.

"We're allowed to feel good about ourselves. Just like women are. It's becoming less taboo. And that's a really good thing," says Dr. Matthew Knight, who performed Earl's laser surgery at his Dermatology Institute in downtown Orlando.

He too is seeing more men shed the sissy worries about cosmetic work. He even does laser hair removal on men.

"There are things you can do to look better, to improve the way your skin looks. Improve wrinkles and folds. Just by doing a small procedure. We didn't have that a few years ago. I think that's why it's on the rise," submits Dr. Knight.

"It's been de-stygmatized in society to a certain degree. People that look better, feel better, or get a better job. Get hotter dates," says Earl.

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